Az j album
Dark Angel 2008.01.31. 23:11
Thornography (harder darker faster)
Az j Album!!!
Februr 4-tl kaphat a Cradle of Filth Thornography - Harder Darker Faster cm albuma. A lemez MVI formban kszl, a Devil To The Metal cm j dal pedig meghallgathat a banda myspace oldaln is.
A Thornography albumon lv szmok vltozatlanul kerltek fel jra a plusz 3 vide s a plusz 6 szmmal. Olyan ez mint egy bvitett jrakiads!
Thornography - Harder Darker Faster
1. Under Pregnant Skies She Comes Alive Like Miss Leviathan
2. Dirge Inferno
3. Tonight In Flames
4. Libertina Grimm
5. The Byronic Man
6. I Am The Thorn
7. Cemetery And Sundown
8. Lovesick For Mina
9. The Foetus Of A New Day Kicking
10. Rise Of The Pentagram
11. Under Huntress Moon
12. Temptation
"Harder, Darker, Faster...":
1. Murder In The Thirst
2. The Snake-Eyed and The Venomous
3. Halloween III - Season Of The Bitch
4. Courting Baphomet
5. Stay
6. Devil To The Metal
1. Tonight In Flames
2. The Foetus Of A New Day Kicking
3. Temptation